Saturday, April 14, 2012

Finally started the blog, I think I can now share all the wonderful surprises that have come up in my life. To begin with I will post my recent diagnoses. I have only came across one person who shares this rare disease with me so any info, shared stories would be appreciated. For the past almost year I have been to 5 different Dr.'s, have had numerous x-rays, MRI's, CT scans blood work, you name it I've been there. All for being in constant pain. Every Dr said they found nothing wrong with me and would refer me to someone else. Each Dr would hand me some sort of pain medication or anti inflammatory and send me on my way.  Finally I went to my  neurologist, who is a saint in my book. He was determined to help me and find out what's going on. He gave me scans, X-rays, nerve tests, exams and in the beginning started treating me for nerve damage in my back. The way he explained nerve damage was so fascinating and scary at the same time. Everything in our bodies is connected thru our nervous system. So If even one nerve is interrupted some how it messes with the whole system. Explaining why I had pain not only in my back where the nerves where damaged but everywhere else also. He explained that I had extensive permanent nerve damage in my lower back. It was a very old injury that had just never healed properly. I have no idea what the injury was, the Dr. Asked if I had been a gymnast or cheerleader in high school. (If you know me you know how hard I laughed at this question. ) So finding out what the cause of this was pointless but whatever it was started out small and had now burnt off a block of nerves in my lower back. You can actually see and feel the hole where it should be. Well the healthier damaged nerves that have not died off are still trying to heal and all the inflammation is not allowing them to resulting in the pain and also displaced pain. So I was given 3 more medications. I would start these meds and see how it helps. He also told me to take it easy to let the nerves heal. Well being a stay at home mom of 3 this is not possible.  A week after I started the meds I was feeling  a little better, sill in some pain but better than before. This was short lived.  A couple of weeks later my legs and feet started to hurt badly. They would fall asleep very easily, and have a stinging burning sensation that was horrid, sort of like when you fall and skin your palms or knee. It was as if my skin hurt, it hurt for my clothes to touch my skin. I was also experiencing sort of like electric shocks down my legs. So in to the office I went again.  This time he upped my dosage of my meds and added some other meds. My cabinet was like a pharmacy. He also said I needed to take it easy for at least a week until the new medications started to be effective. So I planned to have someone with me for a week so I could relax and recoup.  After 3 days the stinging and the shocks stopped. And the back pain had decreased some. I stayed on the couch for the rest of the week being so careful not to do anything to aggravate the nerves. I didn't even pick up my son the entire week.  For 2 months I was feeling better. Still had back pain but I dealt with it . Then out of the blue the back pain came back with a vengeance. Along with cold and hot sensations. Stinging sensations everywhere, leg pain, hip pain, sweating. No medication was helping my pain I was beginning to think I was building a tolerance to it all. I had also developed a squishy lump right next to the " hole" in my back. So back into the office I go once again.  The Practitioner took down all my symptoms. The Dr came in and they talked medical talk and he said how are you sitting here not crying in pain? I said I have 3 kids at home I have to tough it out I don't get sick days so what's wrong with me and how are we fixing it?  Dr saint explained to me that I have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome ( CRPS ) type 2. It's a rare disease that  an only be treated by managing the pain level so I can lead a normal life. There is no cure and no medical treatments. The next step would be to get a nerve block. A large needle that goes deep into the tissue and releases  nerve numbing medication to provide pain relief. Dr said I will put a rush on this because you need to get this immediately. I really don't know how you have been dealing with all this pain and not calling me crying. "I just deal."  Dr. Saint gave me an examination. He said the lump was everything around the damaged nerve site all inflamed. The  spot where it is was warm to the touch and he noticed I was sweating. He said CRPS affects the entire central nervous systems causing my body to sweat even if I'm cold. He gave me a truckload of medication and said I would be hearing from the pain center soon.  I went to my car and just sat for a minute and had a WTF moment. Did he just tell me I'm going to be in pain for the rest of my life? And what did he call it? Complex Regawhat? This is fanfuckingtastic on top of my anxiety and dealing with PTSD I can now add to my plate something else. Awesome.  So that was 3 days ago. Now I have informed myself further on this disease and even tho it's comforting knowing there is a name to my ongoing pain finally, it very discouraging knowing for the rest of my life I will be battling against this. I was just on the road to recovery and dealing with my Cancer experience,  and now have a new uphill road to go on.  I'm being as positive as possible about this but I have to say THIS FUCKING SUCKS!!!!  Everyday now I have constant stinging all over, it hurts to even shower. The meds keep the pain to a level I can deal with but it's always there. Nagging and pinching and burning. It's unexplainable.  I've also researched the nerve block. I am both eager to get it and receive some relief finally but also scared about getting a needle inserted so close to my spine.  I can never say my life is boring that's for damn sure.